The WordPress optimized hosting difference

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What is WordPress optimized hosting? It’s a question WP Engine gets asked all the time.

Because your business is important, and you want to make sure your website has the lightweight back-end code and finely tuned servers it needs to perform at its peak. WP Engine does a lot of optimization on the back end to make your WordPress site fast, scalable, stable, and secure.

A lot of people, especially those just venturing into the world of creating their very own website, ask why they should pay more for a managed host like WP Engine. After all, there are $5 a month options–why pay more? i.e. GoDaddy

In this article, we will explain some of the things WP Engine does that your average host can’t (or in some cases, won’t) do and what makes them a leader in WordPress optimized hosting (see the 451 Research report).


They start from the ground floor to make your hosting experience the best it can be. They’ve tweaked everything down to the operating system of our servers to ensure optimal performance with WordPress. Most servers, whether with a shared host or a dedicated server, are designed to work in all kinds of situations, not just with WordPress–they’re generalists. Meanwhile, their hosting has thousands of rules designed specifically to optimize your WordPress hosting experience.

By focusing on WordPress hosting optimization they can streamline and design for the CMS that matters the most to you, the customer.


Built in own caching specifically for WordPress and the servers. Since it works server side it outperforms plugins, and doesn’t slow down your site.

EverCache technology means your content can be delivered 4 to 6 times faster than with non-WP Engine sites. Even better, it’s automatically deployed to every non-staging install in your WP Engine account.


All of the systems are designed for enhancing WordPress, which means they can deliver fantastic tools to support your WordPress website. From a single dashboard you can launch a staging site, or manage automatic and on-demand backups; you can turn multisite installs on and off; set up SSL; and much more.


WP Engine does more than just host your site, they’re striving to make it better. Their technical team comprises WordPress specialists who constantly search for ways to make the platform and the services better, so you get the best managed WordPress hosting experience.

Thanks to the always innovating technical team, and continually exploring cutting edge technologies such as HHVM and PHP7.

Not only that, they help make your site safer and more secure, searching for potential problems before you encounter them (Check out the article 11 ways we broke WordPress).


While it’s nice to have an additional set of features, we all know that the most important service a hosting company can offer is support. WP Engine has the largest support team in managed WordPress hosting. So when something goes wrong with your website, you have a support team that spends every day working in a WordPress hosting environment. They have an available team of WordPress experts 24/7. Believe us, we have tested them more than enough. The longest wait time we’ve had was a couple of minutes.


WordPress optimized hosting is a multi-prong approach to WordPress that includes the tools and technologies, along with the people and the know-how to make your site perform better, It’s more than simple web hosting, it’s a robust managed WordPress experience designed to fuel your success and empower you to focus on building your brand and your business.

Want to take your site to the next level with WordPress optimized hosting? Check out their plans to find a solution that’s right for your business.

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